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Third level student award category in Wood Awards Ireland 2020

The Wood Marketing Federation invited third level students to participate in Wood Awards Ireland 2020.  WMF had organised an All-Ireland Third Level Student Wood Awards competition from 2006 but this was discontinued after 2015 due to lack of sponsorship. As a result, there is no wood awards competition  in Ireland for  third level students who specialise in wood.  WAI now has a category open to third level students which acknowledges the work carried out by students, their tutors and their colleges in promoting wood usage, design and research. We are encouraged by the response but third level students deserve their own awards as they represent the new wave of  architects, designers and woodworkers.

See details of student awards in attached newsletter.

Entries were accepted under the following categories

A: Large-scale public buildings:  Emphasis on wood as a structural component. Located in Ireland or abroad but with major Iris architectural input by a Registered Architect MRIAI.

B: Small-scale private buildings by a Registered Architect MRIAI.

C: International award – best overseas project by a Registered Architect MRIAI, Engineer or Designer (all categories).

D: Restoration and conservation.

E: Furniture: a) bespoke; and/or b) production.

F: Innovation – functional and non-functional: Wood Local (local sourcing, processing and making); Wood Innovate (creative, sculptural, conceptual); and c) Wood Work (craft and related woodwork).

G: Student Wood Awards – entries accepted from third level colleges in all categories.

Download Wood Awards Ireland 2020 details on all prizewinners

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